Wednesday, February 13, 2008

i'm so frustrated i want to just go to bed

ugh. i want to vent, but i can't because i'm a public school employee, and that just makes me all the more frustrated. i hope all bigoted decision-makers at central office are reading this. (okay, not really. i hope you are all quietly reading the NEA news, or something.) i guess it's just frustrating to try to approach teaching creatively - because that makes me feel good - and then to be shot down, again and again, by the fucking bureacratic machine. and i am even TRYING to jump through the hoops. and still, it doesn't work. and i wish i had more resiliency towards bureacray and stupid fucks - because, man, both are thick in public schools - but i quickly lose umph because the whole education system is so screwed up and upside down and contradictory, and here i am, part of it.
and there goes another kid shuffling off to class.
it just makes me sad, all the way around.

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