Tuesday, January 15, 2008

back in eggs

the other day i came home from a shopping excursion to soldotna (i brought home a bathtub in the boat – pretty cool!) and as I was hauling the groceries down the trail to the house i stopped to check in on the chickens. and to my surprise: eggs! lots of them! these gals are the “survivor” chicks from the bear incident this summer. (they were under heat lights in the house, growing their feathers, and thereby avoided gruesome death.) now they’re busting out pretty little eggs! that makes me happy.

another thing that makes me happy: singing ani difranco (“in a coffee shop / in a city / which is every coffee shop / in every city”) in my classroom – alone, of course – because it has a really cool accordion part, and because i am going to become a famous righteous babe someday. then, walked from my room to discover a pudgy little fourth grader standing in the hallway – heard the whole thing – giving me big mischievous “caught you” eyes. later, I ordered the kick-ass birthday boots i’ve been eyeing for the last month – black, tall, eye-lets, with zips. saucy.

oh. and one more thing: read this in the gretel erlich book (“this cold heaven”) today: “it is easy to see how all storms and all loves are merely local weather, how, with patience, one can always find a hole through which to fly.”

it makes winter become the passing thing that it is; it makes life shorter, and singing all the more mandatory.


amanda jane said...

well babe, i'm glad you are happy this time of year....the eggs are inspiring! we've got to get our garage (i.e. old coup) back in action. I hope you got your birthday package!!! And, funny thing is, I really wanted to include that hat you saw in the picture (yes I knit it). Of course I didn't get yours done in time and it was already late, so maybe you'll be getting an early spring package.....I'll send you the pattern too! Super easy and cool. Miss you! Hello to Andy

Natalie Ellen Eamonn said...

ohh eggs,, have been cahtting lots about getting some chicks for spring. Need some inspiration on the raising of chicks/eggs..feel ready but need to know how intense it really is!!!!! Jody still recalls my incident at your place in Duluth, picking up a chicken..getting scard and throwing it ..i dont remember the throw, more a toss down quickly!! do they bite!??