Saturday, January 17, 2009

hi there!

yep, it's what it looks like: little andy jr.
or, little damara jr.!

our first ultrasound went really well. everything is growing as it should; we got to see cross-sections of the brain developing and the four chambers of the heart beating . . . and watched as the babe snarfed down amniotic fluid. we also stayed true to our word and kept the gender a surprise. so fun. :) wondering, wondering about so many things. i guess it's all just starting to become very real - there's a little person growing in there! - and very exciting.

lots of kicking these days . . . and the due date got moved up to may 27. with this crazy spring break-up weather lately (it was 45 degrees today as i walked on the beach . . . so nice!), it makes may seem not too far away.


Anonymous said...

We picked a new name last night (at the bar, where we miss you and actually I almost drunk-dialed you twice! but Sharon and Gilson wouldn't let me) Katsu. Isn't that a great name?

Natalie Ellen Eamonn said...

Hooray..chills as I just read your blog..a million hugs and kisses...We are so excited for the new family that will be here ever so soon....CONGRATS....oh. we miss you kiddos..we were actually just talking about you we dicussed the newest topic of a 5th wheel and the open road..and of course ALASKA! I said..haven't heard from andy and damara in a looong time..and Jodys response.."they are the present."I wander to and from you blog from time to time....and an stoked you have returned with amazing news..keep us posted..cant wait for spring to arrive.

amanda jane said...

no way! this is the best news i've heard all year!!! love to you all!!!! how can we throw a cyber baby shower?